Rod's Blog Misc wafflings since before the dawn of time
What we do, Is what we do.. I’m always feeling the need to do something interesting with/to these old machines. C64p page It’s taken me years to get round to finishing this, but at last its here.. The C64 Laptop! Based upon a C64DTV, it looks like you could by it in […]
SD2IEC PCB Ribbon Connection SD2IEC soldering points for a C64c From this image you should get the general idea on how to install a SD2iec into most of the Commdore computers. SD2IEC soldering points for a 1541 Why not use a real disk drive to house your SD2IEC, you can figure out […]
C64p Userguide.. Work in progress! 22/05/15 – v1.2 updates Stay tuned for further updates.. Ok, some basics.. On the left hand front edge of the chassis is three LED’s. These work as follows.. 1st LED – Orange.. Bright = Full Charge Rate, Dim = Charge completing, Off = Not charging2nd LED – Blue.. […]
Over the years I’ve collected tons of old computers… Here is just a few of um… Rack’o’Stuff – All running JetSet Willy.. Plus4, Vic20, BBC B and Speccy My orginal Vic-20 from the 80’s.. Yes I am now 1million years old kids. Kids who am I kidding, only older gitz will be reading this.. […]