C16 Tail Mod Install Guide
Step by step guide on how best to install the C16 / USERPORT tail mod.
Thinking about adding a tail??. Maybe the USERPORT Saver os the answer.
Tools required.. Wire cutters, soldering iron and heat.
Step one. Tape one unmodified SD2IEC cable
Step Two. Dig out your C16 tail and heat shrink
Step Three. Cut power cable about an inch away from the IEC connector
Step Four. Strip 6-8mm of cable and tin with solder.
Step Five. Bring both tails together and slide heat shrink away from soldered end
Step Six. Solder wires together, keeping wires nice and flat.
Step Seven. Solder tails to IEC cable, again keeping the wires flat.
Step Nine. Slide heat shrink over join
Step Ten. Apply heat to heat shrink.
Step Eleven. Wait for the heat shrink to cool and the adhesive to set and your done 😀