Oh no, another GBS-8200 mod page.
Video from my C128cr's 80 Column is frankly glorious! Rather a long time ago, I purchased a couple of CGA2RGB adaptors. Many years later when I came around to using them, I found out they are intended for use with the GBS-8200 (Lesson number one, always read the item description!).. So off I popped to Amazon, as soon as it arrived I wired it up and hey presto, it didn’t work. 🙁
Rather a long time ago, I purchased a couple of CGA2RGB adaptors. Many years later when I came around to using them, I found out they are intended for use with the GBS-8200 (Lesson number one, always read the item description!).. So off I popped to Amazon, as soon as it arrived I wired it up and hey presto, it didn’t work.
I posted a Grumble on the twitters saying ‘This is going in the bin’.. 50% of the ‘nternet agreed, but the other 50% said ‘you need to mod that’ and provided some links: D.
But as it turns out, 24 hours later I did indeed have a usable RGBi conversion. thanks Twitter, Thwitter