Oric Atmos Memory Repair
Another simple Oric Atmos Memory Repair / Piggy back method of memory diagnostics.
I’ve mentioned this process before.. So I thought I should show you people what the “Piggy back” method is all about
Ok, so it’s out of focus.. So kill me… Right.. looks like a memory fault to me.. Time to open her up
Bugger.. Guess where you’ll find a screw.. Under this unmarked label or course.. you lot should know how to remove these without damage by now..
Freezer spray.. wait for the click of the glue cracking.. and hey presto 😀
Out of focus (Again I know).. Oric Atmos innards
Right, all you need to do, is grab a working compatible chip and “piggy back” it on top of the chip to be tested. Low and behold, the first chip I try the picture looks different.. If you try this, make sure all pins are in contact with the original chip and of course, it’s the right way around ;D
Chip now placed on memory chip two and the screen has changed back to how it started out.
Chip 3.. Back to the original looking output.. And the same goes for the test of the chips. Time to remove chip one and fit a socket and a new 4164
Apart from the “change the roasting chip” method, this really had to be the most simple way of finding wonky memory chips on most systems.. Mind you, a total waste of time on the average Sinclair as they tend to cook at least half the chips in one go 🙁