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Grand Theft Cygnus – VIC20 (+8k)


CAS026 – Grand Theft Cygnus – VIC20 (+8k) is part of TFW8b’s 499/999 Cassette & Cartridge Range.

** Click here for the 499 Range Triple Pack deal **

2 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: CAS026Category, ,


Grand Theft Cygnus – VIC20 (+8k)

As we know, all Swans belong to the Queen.. So try to net as many as you can without being shot!

Her majesty is keeping a lookout and will blast you with both barrels if you get to close. With each successful net, you’ll get a hint about the monarch’s location.

How to play

  • Move your noose with WASD keys and when you’re correctly lined up, press space to lassoo and steal the swan.
  • If its the swap HM is hiding behind, then you’ll receive a hint about how far away she is.


  • If you see a 0 or a 1 RUN AWAY!!
  • If you hear her gunshot, it’s game over.

CAS026 – Grand Theft Cygnus – VIC20 (+8k) is part of TFW8b’s 499/999 Cassette Tape & Cartridge Range.

 Cassette colour may change

Created by Shiela Dixon –


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