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Zilog Z80 10MHz CPU


Fix that missing M1 – Sinclair Spectrum

149 in stock

SKU: Z80CPU10Category


Brand new Zilog Z80 10MHz CPU

Ideal Replacement for any Z80 found in many 8bit computers

Speccy lost its M1? You’ll need one of these

Don’t worry if your Z80 is clocked slower, clock speed is set by a crystal on the host PCB. It will run at the same speed as your original chip

Z80 Microprocessor

Brand new Zilog Z80 10MHz CPU

Ideal Replacement for any Z80 found in many 8bit computers

Speccy lost its M1? You’ll need one of these

Don’t worry if your Z80 is clocked slower, clock speed is set by a crystal on the host PCB. It will run at the same speed as your original chip


149 in stock


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